URGENT NOTICE: COJ’s Supplementary 5 Roll (to the 2018 General Valuation Roll)

/ / 2022, City Of Johannesburg, News, Property Law

15 September 2022


The City of Johannesburg (“COJ”) released Supplementary Roll 5 (“Supp 5”) to the 2018 General Valuation Roll (“GV”) a few weeks ago. It closes for comment and objection on 7 October 2022.

Confusion in the City

Our offices are receiving calls from worried property owners as a result of a few misunderstood elements of law pertaining to Supp 5. This note hopes to assist in clearing these up.

Where to Find Supp 5

The COJ’s website can be hard to navigate if you aren’t familiar with it. Do not use the link to the COJ’s 2018 GV (this is the incorrect roll). Only use the link to the Supp 5 roll itself, which is at http://web1.joburg.org.za/LIS/DataSearch.nsf/frmSearch?OpenForm .

How to See your Property Information

Once you have located your property using the search function, click on the hyperlink under the “township” column, which is on the far left of your screen.

It should show you the details of your property including the rating category (residential, business, industrial, educational, etc) and the valuation that your rates will be charged on.

What is the Effect of these Details?

They will be allocated to your property from 1 July 2022 and the rates on your property will be calculated based on this information. NOTE – if you see an increase in the valuation on this roll, you will receive higher rates bills. You may even get a backbill with higher rates charged to you for the months July, August and September 2022 (because these details come into effect 1 July 2022).

If you are happy with these details OR your property is NOT on this roll:

Do nothing. Smile.

If you are NOT HAPPY with these details:

You must file an official objection BEFORE OR ON 7 OCTOBER 2022. If you don’t, there is another way to deal with the situation but it takes much, much longer and will probably cost you more money. DON’T MISS THE DEADLINE AND MAKE SURE YOU SUBMIT YOUR OBJECTION FULLY AND PROPERLY.

If you need help:

Schindlers can assist but we do charge for our services. Email [email protected]  or visit https://www.schindlers.co.za/property-law/the-city-of-johannesburgs-2018-supplementary-5-general-valuation-roll/ for more info.

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