SUMMARY Mr Bradley Russel Stearns, a 51-year-old man (the “Plaintiff”) sued Robispec (Pty) Ltd (the “Defendant”) in respect of an accident that occurred in a Pick n Pay store which is owned and manged by the Defendant (“the Store”). On 03 April 2017 the Plaintiff ruptured his left bicep as a result of a poorly
SUMMARY Bongani Magoswana (the “Plaintiff”) instituted action against the Road Accident Fund (the “Defendant”) for the payment of damages arising from injuries sustained by the Plaintiff in a motor vehicle accident which occurred on 22 August 2007.  The Plaintiff alleged, in his particulars of claim, that he was a passenger in a Mercedes-Benz motor vehicle
SUMMARY – Background to Review This is an opposed review application of an award in which the arbitrator found that the third respondent, Mr I Juries (‘Juries’), was dismissed by the applicant (‘Unitrans’) unfairly because he did not deliberately falsify payroll information which caused a shop steward, Mr G Coetzee (‘Coetzee’), to receive additional remuneration