Sectional Title Schemes in Hot Water

By Maike Gohl, Partner and Lauren Squier, Associate Designate Introduction We often see sectional title schemes that have had suffered substantial losses as a result of water leaks, which have resulted in the body corporate becoming liable to the municipalities for hundreds of thousands of Rands, if not millions, as a result of a problem
By Mohau Ledwaba, Associate and Stefano de Gouveia and Candidate Attorney Introduction Business rescue is regulated by Chapter 6 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 (the “Act”) with the aim to facilitate the rehabilitation of a company from what the Act defines as being financially distressed, as an alternative to liquidation, for a better
By Chantelle Gladwin-Wood (Partner), Lauren Squier (Associate), MarcGevers (Candidate Attorney) and Jarrod van der Heever (CandidateAttorney) Introduction COVID-19 has irrevocably changed and challenged the way that we do business in South Africa and the rest of the world.  Businesses have been forced to operate from home where possible and, as a result, they are discovering
By Lisa Schmidt, Associate and Lauren Squier and Associate Designate Introduction The period of lockdown being presently in force in  South Africa in response to the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented.  The conduct of persons during lockdown is regulated by the Regulations to the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 (“the Regulations” / “COVID-19 Regulations”), and


By Justin Sloane, Partner & Tayla Bruce, Candidate Attorney INTRODUCTION COVID-19’s economic effect has left many consumers and businesses in dire need for what is termed a “payment holiday” in respect of their current credit owed to banks, landlords, suppliers and varying financial institutions. As a result, some of South Africa’s major banks have agreed


Michela Ferreira

Michela plays an integral role in bringing together technology initiatives. Whilst she possesses a strong knowledge of brand development, strategy implementation, consistency and standards, she is proficient in design, multimedia, frontend and backend UI and UX design, frontend design and the formulation of strategies to synthesize the physical and cyber.

She is passionate about modern culture and how technology transforms internal and external business systems to enhance efficiency and growth. 

She is steadfast in her commitment to reshaping the technology landscape into an inclusive domain, ensuring equal access to the burgeoning global digital economy for all individuals. Her efforts focus on democratizing the financial sector, bridging the gap between technology and everyday users worldwide.