SUMMARY In or about 1980, Richard Tshabalala passed away intestate and was survived by his seven children and his wife, Paulina Tshabalala. During his lifetime, he was issued with a regulation 8 certificate of occupation for the property he then resided on, by the West Rand Administration Board. (“the Board”) The certificate contained the names
SUMMARY The factual matrix from which this judgment arises concerns a dismissal of employees due to poor work performance. The Employer Moneyline Financial Services (Pty) Ltd dismissed the Third Respondent and 7 others (“the Employees”) who were employed in capacity as sales representatives. Following such dismissals, the matter proceeded to arbitration proceedings where it was
SUMMARY This CLE will provide a practical example of how the courts, in respect of criminal matters involving serious offences, hand down their sentences. In this case, the accused, Mr D, was accused of the kidnapping, rape and murder of his 10-year-old niece. The accused was earlier convicted on the aforesaid counts in addition to
SUMMARY A property developer obtained a loan facility from Lloyds Bank PLC (the “Claimant”) in the sum of £2,625,000.00 (the “Facility”), which figure was subsequently reduced to approximately £2,500,000.00 (the “Revised Facility Amount”) for the redevelopment of a bingo hall (the “Development”). McBains Cooper Consulting Limited (the “Defendant”) was appointed as the project monitor surveyor
BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY In this case, Shaun Harris (the “Plaintiff”) sought action proceedings to recover the sum of R531 361 plus interest thereon a tempore morae. The debt arose upon the Plaintiff and Rachel Rossouw (the “Defendant”) concluding a loan agreement in terms of which repayment was due, owing and payable (the “Agreement”). The claim


Michela Ferreira

Michela plays an integral role in bringing together technology initiatives. Whilst she possesses a strong knowledge of brand development, strategy implementation, consistency and standards, she is proficient in design, multimedia, frontend and backend UI and UX design, frontend design and the formulation of strategies to synthesize the physical and cyber.

She is passionate about modern culture and how technology transforms internal and external business systems to enhance efficiency and growth. 

She is steadfast in her commitment to reshaping the technology landscape into an inclusive domain, ensuring equal access to the burgeoning global digital economy for all individuals. Her efforts focus on democratizing the financial sector, bridging the gap between technology and everyday users worldwide.