BACKGROUND The Respondent had been employed by AFGEN (Pty) Ltd (“the Appellant”) for just over a year, during which period she suffered from depression and was placed on sick leave for two months. Subsequent to the Respondent’s return, in December 2011, she was charged with misconduct for: (i) sending unauthorized emails to customers and (ii)
Introduction  Urban delinquency is a term coined by our offices to describe the growing trend by occupants and owners of ignoring or openly violating municipal by-laws, health and safety laws, environmental laws, building laws and zoning laws in densely populated urban areas. This article explains how some of the more typical violations of these important
SUMMARY MB and his parents (“Plaintiffs” in the court a quo) are permanent residents of the United Kingdom, owning no assets in South Africa. They instituted a claim for damages against the Respondents for injuries that MB sustained in 2005, whilst he was an exchange student in South Africa. As peregrini (persons domiciled or resident


IntroductionThis article aims to provide a basic understanding of the Protected Disclosures Act 26 of 2000 (hereinafter “the PDA”), having particular reference to the protection afforded by the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (hereinafter “the LRA”) to employees who make a disclosure to their employer. BackgroundThe preamble of the PDA recognises the presence of
SUMMARY On or about 17 February 2005, Innovent Rental & Asset Management Solutions (PTY) Ltd (“the Appellant”), a company that finances the acquisition and leasing of equipment, entered into a Master Rental Agreement (“MRA”) with Transnet SOC LTD (“the Respondent”), under which it would acquire equipment in accordance with the specifications of the Respondent, and


Michela Ferreira

Michela plays an integral role in bringing together technology initiatives. Whilst she possesses a strong knowledge of brand development, strategy implementation, consistency and standards, she is proficient in design, multimedia, frontend and backend UI and UX design, frontend design and the formulation of strategies to synthesize the physical and cyber.

She is passionate about modern culture and how technology transforms internal and external business systems to enhance efficiency and growth. 

She is steadfast in her commitment to reshaping the technology landscape into an inclusive domain, ensuring equal access to the burgeoning global digital economy for all individuals. Her efforts focus on democratizing the financial sector, bridging the gap between technology and everyday users worldwide.