SUMMARY The factual matrix from which this judgment originates concerns a dispute between AMCU (“the Trade Union”) and Murray & Roberts (“the Employer”). At the heart of contentions between the parties was the Trade Union’s ability to acquire organisational rights from the Employer.  The Employer maintained that a contract had been concluded between the respective
SUMMARY On 14 September 2017, the High Court of South Africa, Western Cape Division, delivered a judgment in which it declared section 2C(1) of the Wills Act 7 of 1953 (hereinafter “the Wills Act”) constitutionally invalid due to its failure to recognise the rights of a spouse married by Muslim rites in a polygamous marriage
SUMMARY The plaintiff in this matter is seeking to recover damages from the defendant, a general medical practitioner. The plaintiff alleges that the defendant was negligent in that the defendant failed to properly diagnose the plaintiff’s stroke. In the second claim, the plaintiff seeks to recover damages for the failure of the defendant to properly
Introduction The (mis)information found on the internet nowadays can make any non-paying tenant an “expert” in property law, with the unfortunate result that some invoke “squatter rights” within minutes of being threatened with legal action for the non- payment of rental. This has resulted in a situation where many tenants stay in occupation of the
SUMMARY This appeal concerned an application brought by the late Mr Nicolaas Gouws (Mr Gouws) for the conversion of his unused old order mineral right to a new order prospecting right for coal in respect of his property, Portion 9 of the farm Driefontein 338 in the district of Middelburg, Mpumalanga. Magnificent Mile Trading 30
Introduction There is a very good reason why they say that “possession is 9/10ths of the law” as the concepts of possession and ownership are entirely distinct and are treated very differently in our law.  Just because you are the owner of a thing, this does not mean that you are entitled to possession of
The Constitutional Court held last week that historical municipal debt (meaning municipal debt attaching to a property which is older than two years at the date of application for a rates clearance certificate) does not “survive” transfer, meaning that the purchaser or other successor in title cannot be held liable for debt by the municipality
SUMMARY The accused was charged with one count of assault with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm, for which an 18-month sentence of imprisonment was imposed. Judgment in this matter was subsequently referred to the Limpopo High Court for review. Upon commencement of the trial in the Dzanani Magistrates’ Court (the “DMC”), the accused elected
By Chantelle Gladwin-Wood, Partner and Maike Gohl, Partner Introduction Judgment in the matter of Argent Industrial Investments (Pty) Ltd v Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality( 17808/2016) [2017] ZAGPJHC 14; 2017 (3) SA 146 (GJ)was handed down on 13 February 2017 in the Gauteng Local Division of the High Court by Judge S Yacoob.  This matter was handled
Introduction This article considers the various reasons that a consumer might not be receiving his or her municipal invoice, and includes some tips and recommendations for resolving these problems. #1.  No account After purchasing a property, purchasers expect to receive municipal invoices from their local municipality in respect of rates and taxes and services. In