By Chantelle Gladwin-Wood, Partner and Lauren Squier, Candidate Attorney Introduction Property valuation rolls are quite complicated.  Below is a brief explanation of how valuations and valuation rolls work. Cape Town’s 2018 General Valuation Roll Cape Town Municipality’s (“the Municipality”) 2018 General Valuation Roll (“2019 GV”) is open for inspection.  It is open from 21 February
SUMMARY The applicant issued summons against the respondent claiming damages resultant from her treatment by the respondent’s employees at a public hospital. The respondent filed its Notice of Intention to Defend but failed to file a Plea and was subsequently barred. The application for default judgment was withdrawn by agreement and the respondent was afforded
SUMMARY This case dealt with an application for the restoration of a clothing and shoe retail store (the “Business”) to the original owner, Osman Asmall (the “Applicant”). The Business was sold to Tornotrim (Pty) Ltd (the “Respondent”) by way of a partly written and partly oral sale of business agreement (the “Agreement”) which was later
By Maike Gohl, Senior Associate and Lauren Squier, Candidate Attorney   Introduction This article canvases, at a basic level, some of the aspects that you, as a prospective or current sectional title owner, would need to know about the law regulating sectional title schemes and how same should be run before you buy into such
BACKGROUND In this case the Appellant, Viziya Corporation (“Viziya”) brought an application for leave appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeal against the judgement as handed down by the court a quo, the Gauteng Division of the High Court, Pretoria and against the refusal to grant leave to appeal in the same court. The court
By Dominique Lloyd, Senior Associate and John Mackechnie, Candidate Attorney Introduction Owing to the advent of drone technology and the constantly evolving technological landscape, the law has accordingly developed to regulate this rapidly expanding industry. In order to do so, the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) (as a member of the International Civil Aviation
SUMMARY This matter concerned a delictual claim against the Department of Social Welfare (“the Province”) and an early child development facility, “Aunty Dawn’s”, run by Ms Moore (“Moore”). The parents of Ava Barley a five-month old minor female (“Ava”), Mr and Mrs Barley (the “Barleys”) instituted a claim against Moore and the Province for damages
SUMMARY Mr. Lucian Botha (“the Plaintiff”), carrying on his trade as a building contractor was involved in a motor vehicle accident on or about 5 April 2013. The said accident, wherein the Plaintiff veered off the road owing to the negligence of an unidentified driver as argued by his counsel, resulted in him sustaining severe
BACKGROUND In this case the First Respondent, being a Mr Godfrey Motsa (“Motsa”), resigned as a senior executive employee of the Applicant, being Vodacom (Pty) Ltd (“Vodacom”), and took up employment with the Second Respondent being, MTN Group LTD (“MTN”). Motsa was employed by Vodacom in or during January 2007. On or about 23 December

Executive Managing Agents

By Chantelle Gladwin, Partner and Lauren Squier, Candidate Attorney   Introduction This article explains the nature and purpose of an executive managing agent for the purposes of the Sectional Title Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011 (“the STSMA”), it’s Regulations, The Sectional Title Act 95 of 1985 (“The Act”) and the Prescribed Management Rules (“PMR”)