How do Section 78(5) Re-Valuations Work?
- Published in 2017, Municipal Law, News, Property Law
How do Property Valuation Rolls work?
- Published in 2017, Municipal Law, News, Property Law
Muncipalities and Internal Remedies
- Published in 2017, Municipal Law, News, Property Law
Is it Illegal for a Municipality to Disconnect Water?
- Published in 2017, Municipal Law, News, Property Law
Expropriation Without Compensation?
- Published in 2017, Municipal Law, News, Property Law
The debate over Expropriation without Compensation
- Published in News, 2017, Municipal Law, Property Law
Does a general valuation roll ever close?
- Published in 2016, Municipal Law, News, Property Law
COJ’s Draft Problem Property Bylaws
- Published in 2016, Municipal Law
COJ’s By-Law on Problem Properties
- Published in 2016, Municipal Law, Property Law
Free Basic Electricity: Do you have a right to it?
- Published in 2016, Municipal Law, Property Law