By Gary Boruchowitz, Senior Associate and Wade Jacobs, Candidate Attorney Introduction COVID-19 has changed the way that we live, work, and communicate. We have been driven to rely on technological advancements, more so than ever before – particularly through mobile and cloud-based productivity and messaging tools. Educators have had to collaborate to adapt their curriculums
By Lindokuhle Mashilo and checked by Kirsten Chetty Background In this application the Labour Court (“Court”) had to determine whether the dismissal of employees on the basis of operational requirements, prior to the presentation of a business rescue plan (“Plan”) which envisages such retrenchments, was procedurally fair. On or about 5 December 2019, South African
By Megan Brook and checked by Jayna Hira Background Aquarius Platinum (Pty) Ltd (“the Appellant”) contracted Murray & Roberts Cementation (Pty) Ltd (“MRC”) to complete mining operations at the Kroondal Platinum Mine on a farm situated in the North West Province (“the farm”) as well as on the Marikana Platinum Mine. The 1st to 167th
By Chantelle Gladwin-Wood and Maike Gohl 1. Log on to Tshwane’s website: 2. Click on the “Services” tab at the top of the page. 3. Click on the link on the right hand side, in the list that appears, under “Quick Links”, for “Property Valuation”. You can also go straight to this page by
INTRODUCTION When a purchaser takes occupation of a property before registration of transfer, the purchaser has the opportunity to live in the property purchased prior to the date of registration.  One of the possible consequences of this early occupation is that purchasers from time to time experience issues in the property. These issues range from
INTRODUCTION A child is defined in the Children’s Act, No. 38 of 2005, as a person under the age of 18 years. Under South African law, a minor child may not enter into contracts without the express or implied consent of their natural or legal guardian i.e. the minor child’s parents or appointed guardian by
By Lauren Squier, Associate and Phathutshedzo Ratshitanga, CandidateAttorney Introduction The allocation of parking is one of the most contentious and sensitive topics in sectional title schemes and trustees often have to ensure that they apply only lawful methods in allocating parking in order to avoid members challenging the legality of same.  This article explains how
By Ashleigh Butler, Candidate Attorney and Justin Sloane, Partner Introduction On 15 March 2020, COVID-19 was declared a national disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 (“the Disaster Act”), with the nationwide lockdown commencing on 27 March 2020. The purpose of this article is to provide the reader with a basic
By Alisha Naik, Candidate Attorney and Pierre van der Merwe, Partner Introduction As of 1 May 2020, South Africa entered an “Alert Level 4” of lockdown, down from the previous Alert Level 5. This has warranted amendments to specific regulations in order to enable the safe and compliant reopening of certain permitted business enterprises across
By Elani Vogel SCHINDLERS CLE CASE TITLE Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union and Others v Ngululu Bulk Carriers (Pty) Limited (In Liquidation) and Others (CCT15/18) [2020] ZACC 8 (6 May 2020) CATEGORY Labour Law  BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY In this matter, the Constitutional Court (the “Court”) had to consider two preliminary points which had succeeded