Written by Dingumuzi Ndhlovu, Associate and Chantelle Gladwin-Wood, Partner Introduction The primary function of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 103 of 1993 (“COIDA”) is to facilitate the provision of assistance in the form of compensation to workers who suffer debilitating injuries, diseases, or even death during the course and scope of their
Written By Chantelle Gladwin-Wood, Partner; Lauren Squier, Associate; and Kirsten Chetty, Associate Introduction The City of Johannesburg (“COJ”) has advised many sectional title body corporates that it has or will adjusted their municipal accounts to “change the sewer tariff from ‘block of flat’s’ to ‘multi-dwelling’”. In several cases that we have seen this has resulted
Written By Chantelle Gladwin-Wood, Partner; Lauren Squier, Associate; and Kirsten Chetty, Associate Introduction Over the last few weeks, Schindlers has received an influx of reports confirming that the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality (“COJ”) is currently embarking on a process of conducting section 78(5) valuation reviews. This process entails COJ the reconsidering the current valuation
Case summary written by Wade Jacobs and checked by Musa Mathebula. Background This is an application for declaratory relief, whereby SIP Project Managers (“the Applicant”) seeks to set aside and declare null and void the notice to appoint a third party, namely the Applicant’s bank being Standard Bank, in terms of the provision of section
Case summary written by Wade O’Connor and checked by Andrew Lawrie BACKGROUND In 2019, the Supreme Court of Appeal (the “SCA”) was tasked with deciding when prescription begins to run in respect of a claim for indemnification under an insurance policy.  The present appeal arose out of a delictual damages claim brought about by the
Case summary written by Marc Barros Gevers and checked by Kirsten Chetty. Background The parties in this matter are as follows: the First Applicant is the School Governing Body of Uitzig Secondary School (“the First Applicant”); the Second Applicant is Uitzig Secondary School (“the Second Applicant”); the First Respondent is the MEC for Education, Western
By Chantelle Gladwin-Wood (Partner) and Lindokuhle Mashilo (Candidate Attorney)  Introduction This article will explain what kind of rebate is applicable to properties within the jurisdiction of the City of Johannesburg (“COJ”) municipal boundary, based on losses suffered as a result of COVID-19, as set out in the COJ’s 2020.2021 Rates Policy (a copy of which
By Lauren Squier, Associate and Kyle Venter, Candidate Attorney Introduction This article seeks to clarify the term “subrogation” and what this means to you as the insured. The central topics of discussion are primarily, what subrogation is, the doctrine of subrogation under English law, the insurers right to subrogation and the requirements for subrogation.   In
Case summary written by Angela Paschalides and checked by Michal Asoulin Background The High Court of Justice of England and Wales (Queen’s Bench Division Commercial Court) (the “Court”) heard a case in which Valla PTC Limited (the “Claimant”) applied for permission to issue an application, as well as an order for summary judgment against Jonathan

Van der Walt v S [2020] ZACC 19

Case summary written by Elani Vogel and checked by Stefan Bezuidenhout Background In 2016, Dr Danie Van der Walt (“the Applicant”), an obstetrician and gynaecologist practising in the Witbank area, was convicted by the Regional Court of culpable homicide and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment on the basis that he acted negligently in the care