By Chantelle Gladwin-Wood (Partner), Lauren Squier (Associate), MarcGevers (Candidate Attorney) and Jarrod van der Heever (CandidateAttorney) Introduction COVID-19 has irrevocably changed and challenged the way that we do business in South Africa and the rest of the world.  Businesses have been forced to operate from home where possible and, as a result, they are discovering
By Lisa Schmidt, Associate and Lauren Squier and Associate Designate Introduction The period of lockdown being presently in force in  South Africa in response to the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented.  The conduct of persons during lockdown is regulated by the Regulations to the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 (“the Regulations” / “COVID-19 Regulations”), and


By Justin Sloane, Partner & Tayla Bruce, Candidate Attorney INTRODUCTION COVID-19’s economic effect has left many consumers and businesses in dire need for what is termed a “payment holiday” in respect of their current credit owed to banks, landlords, suppliers and varying financial institutions. As a result, some of South Africa’s major banks have agreed
By Justin Sloane, Partner & Tayla Bruce and Candidate Attorney INTRODUCTION COVID-19’s hard-hitting economic impact is bound to place an insurmountable number of jobs and livelihoods at risk. Individuals may fall ill during this time, be made redundant by their employer, or fall victim to their business having to close down. All of these options
By Lauren Squier, Associate Designate and Alisha Naik and Candidate Attorney INTRODUCTION The period of lockdown presently being experienced by South Africans – in response to the COVID-19 pandemic – has resulted in confusion and uncertainty relating to insurance policies, as well as the extent of the cover awarded thereunder. Both individuals and businesses are
By Nicola Nieuwoudt – Partner, Jeannique Booysen – Associate, and Celeste Frank, Candidate Attorney INTRODUCTION The COVID-19 crisis has not only shocked global healthcare and the world economy to the core but has led to the first National State of Disaster and lockdown in our democracy, with personal lives being affected in an unprecedented manner.
Written by Wade Jacobs – Candidate AttorneyContributors: Charlotte Clarke – Senior Associate and Wesley Pons – Associate INTRODUCTION COVID-19 has resulted in a national lockdown, having consequences on the performance of contractual obligations, where parties to reciprocal agreements are unable to meet their obligations to one another, resulting in a temporary impossibility of performance. In
BACKGROUND The First and Fourth Defendants entered into a service level agreement (“SLA”), in terms of which the Fourth Defendant was to render certain services to the First Defendant. The Fourth Defendant would present invoices to the First Defendant for payment for services rendered. On 14 March 2012, 26 June 2012 and 13 June 2013,
BACKGROUND This matter was heard by a full bench of the Supreme Court of Appeal with leave of the court a quo, being the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria. In the main action, Tusk Construction (Pty) Ltd (“the First Appellant”) and Joint Equity Investments (Pty) Ltd (“the Second Appellant”) sued the Independent
By Lisa Schmidt- Associate and Marc Gevers – Candidate Attorney INTRODUCTION The Corona virus (“COVID-19” or “the virus”) outbreak has changed many facets of our lives. In terms of Regulation 11B to the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 (“the Regulations”), from midnight on Thursday 26 March 2020 until Midnight on 16 April 2020, a