SUMMARY The Playboy Club London Ltd (the “First Claimant”) operated a casino based in London and offered cheque cashing facilities to its customers for the purpose of purchasing gambling chips. Mr. Hassan Barakat (“Barakat”), a Lebanese resident and well-known figure at a casino in Lebanon, was desirous of gambling at the First Claimant’s casino. The
SUMMARY During 2013 Mr Ratlou (“Ratlou”) acquired Phapo Nkone Transport (Pty) Ltd (“PNT”) together with its business. Subsequently, on 24 October 2013, he executed a deed of suretyship in favour of MAN Financial Services SA (Pty) Ltd (“MAN”) to secure a lease agreement between MAN and PNT relating to the lease of trucks and trailers.
INTRODUCTION Why is the South African tourism industry up in arms about the latest craze to hit our shores since Uber? Well this article, seeks to explore and answer this   question. Hospitality groups are placing pressure on government to implement laws legislating Airbnbs’ and enforce stricter rules on persons involved in running Airbnbs’. This has


INTRODUCTION Noise is a natural consequence of whatever we do. It forms part of our everyday lives and, we often just tolerate it. However, noise has the capacity to cause conflict between those who are generating it and those who are victims of it. Noise pollution can be described as unwanted or offensive sounds that
INTRODUCTION This is an update to the article published under the same title in 2015 by Renand Pretorius and Chantelle Gladwin-Wood with a renewed emphasis (by Anja van Wijk of Schindlers) on how the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act affect the issue.  There are a number of different laws that impact residential lease agreements.


INTRODUCTION It is widely acknowledged that the landlord largely gets the short end of the stick when it comes to landlord-tenant law and that more often then not, the tenant’s rights are stronger than a landlord’s right. In trying to bring equilibrium to this issue, our law has a specific remedy for the landlord in
SUMMARY The dispute concerns a writ of execution in respect of a taxed bill of costs, which Lumko Mtinde (“the Employee”) sought to stay by launching an urgent application, pending the outcome of an application to review and set aside the taxed bill of costs. The chronology preceding the writ of execution saw the Employee
BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY In casu, the court considered whether it had the power to review the findings of a judicial commission of inquiry. In the absence of any reported judgment of a South African court, the court examined comparative material. In 1997, a procurement process commenced to implement the Strategic Defence Procurement Package (“SDPP”). Through
BACKGROUND On or about 25 November 2019, The Supreme Court of Appeal (“the SCA”) upheld an appeal against an order of the KwaZulu-Natal Division of the High Court, Durban. The appeal was lodged by Tellytrack, a partnership between Phumelela Gaming and Leisure Limited, Gold Circle (Pty) Ltd and Kenilworth Racing (Pty) Ltd. In the court
SUMMARY ISSUE ON APPEAL  The issue in this appeal is whether a text Message constituted an animo contrahendi (an offer, which upon its acceptance, could give rise to an enforceable contract). The court a quo held that it did.  The Appellant, Mr.  Kgopana (“Kgopana”), was granted leave to appeal to the Supreme court of Appeal (“SCA”).