The Notion of Public Procurement within the South African Regulatory Framework Article by Matilda Mahlaba, candidate Attorney, checked by Alisha Naik, Associate, and released by Maike Gohl, Partner 28 October 2022 INTRODUCTION This article is part of a 3-part series aimed to take the reader through the following topics: Public Procurement is described as the

LH v ZH  2022 (1) 384 (SCA)

Article written by Regan Turnbull, checked and released by Alisha Naik, Candidate Attorney at Schindlers Attorneys. BACKGROUND This case concerns the application and interpretation of s 18(a) of the Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984 (“The Act”). Prior to the solemnisation of her marriage to the Applicant, the Respondent was involved in a motor vehicle
Crypto Crimes and the South African Legal Framework
Article written by Lesai Seema, Candidate Attorney, checked and released by Shaun Piveteau, Senior Associate at Schindlers Attorneys 13 December 2021 INTRODUCTION Unlawful (or at the very least, what appears to be unlawful) cryptocurrency/Crypto assets (“Crypto”) transactions have been concluded almost immediately after blockchain technology was developed. The anonymity in the blockchain system, is a
Schindlers Attorneys postnuptial registration of ante-nuptial contract
Article written by Alisha Naik and Precious Mmako, Candidate Attorney’s, checked by Simone Jansen van Rensburg, Associate and released by Nicola Nieuwoudt, Partner at Schindlers Attorneys 13 December 2021 INTRODUCTION Under South African law, if prospective spouses do not execute an antenuptial contract (“ANC”) prior to their marriage, they shall automatically be married in community

The Legal Principles of Defamation

Article written by Alisha Naik, Candidate Attorney, checked by Jordan Dias, Associate and released by Pierre van der Merwe, Partner at Schindlers Attorneys 12 November 2021 INTRODUCTION Whilst South Africans possess the constitutionally protected right to freedom of expression, it is important to remember that this right is limited. When one exceeds the limitations imposed,
Article written by Alisha Naik, Associate Designate, checked and released by Pierre van der Merwe, Partner at Schindlers Attorneys 11 October 2021 INTRODUCTION The purpose of employment policies (“policies“) is for employers to establish and communicate to employees acceptable, appropriate, ethical, and constructive conduct in the workplace. Well-written, clear policies, supported by effective disciplinary procedures,
Article written by Lesai Seema and Alisha Naik, both Candidate Attorneys, checked by Justin Sloane, Partner at Schindlers Attorneys 02 September 2021 INTRODUCTION Looking back on the criminality that stemmed from the civil unrest in South Africa, it is crucial that citizens of the Republic of South Africa familiarise themselves with the Criminal Justice System
Civil unrest
Article was written by Charlotte Clarke, Senior Associate, Lauren Squier, Associate, Alisha Naik, Candidate Attorney and released by Alec Veitch, Partner at Schindlers Attorneys. 19 July 2021 INTRODUCTION Violent protest action, looting and civil unrest continues to wreak havoc across South Africa, resulting in extensive damage to residential and commercial buildings, vehicles, stock and other
By Lauren Squier, Associate and Alisha Naik, Candidate Attorney INTRODUCTION The period of lockdown presently being experienced by South Africans – in response to the COVID-19 pandemic – has resulted in confusion and uncertainty relating to insurance policies as well as the extent of the cover awarded thereunder. Both individuals and businesses are growing concerned
Article was written by Alisha Naik, Candidate Attorney, checked by Danmari Duguid, Associate at Schindlers Attorneys and released by Paul-Michael Keichel, Senior Partner at Schindlers Attorneys 20 June 2021 INTRODUCTION With the deadline for compliance with the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (“POPIA”) fast-approaching (as the Regulations in will