Business Rescue versus Liquidation. The difference between the two mechanisms to help guide you in making the best commercial decision for your business.
Stallion Security (Pty) Limited v Van Staden (526/2018) [2019] ZASCA 127 (27 September 2019)
Department: Transport, Province of KwaZulu-Natal v Ramsaran & others (1274/2017) [2019] ZASCA 62 (23 May 2019)
- Published in 2019, Civil Procedure, News
Kekana v Road Accident Fund (206/17) [2018] ZASCA 75 (31 May 2018)
- Published in 2019, Civil Procedure, News
Spilhaus Property Holdings (Pty) Limited and Others v MTN and Another (CCT82/18) [2019] ZACC 16 (24 April 2019)
- Published in 2019, News, Property Law
The National Treasury v Kubukeli (20567/2014) [2015] ZASCA 141 (30 September 2015)
- Published in 2019, Constitutional Law, News