Jordan Dias Candidate Attorney

Candidate Attorney


Jordan obtained her LLB degree at the University of the Witwatersrand. Her legal interests lie in commercial litigation and drafting, contractual disputes and labour related matters.

+27 (0) 11 448 9742
[email protected]

BF v RF (2017/5018A) [2018] ZAGPJHC 699

Case summary written by Celeste Frank and checked by Jordan Dias Background On 20 February 1993, the Appellant and the Respondent were married out of community of property with the inclusion of the accrual system. The parties were presently in divorce proceedings and disputed a clause of their ANC excluding, inter alia, certain shares from
Case summary written by Alisha Naik and checked by Jordan Dias  Background The appellants were jointly engaged in a rural bridge construction project in the Eastern Cape. The employees, who were construction workers residing in huts onsite, embarked on a 2-day unprotected strike (“the strike”) as they were aggrieved about their living conditions.  The employees
Case summary written by Snazo Tuswa and checked by Jordan Dias Background In February 2019, Women In Capital Growth (Pty) Ltd and Akhona Trade & Investment (Pty) Ltd (“The Appellants”) each gave an irrevocable undertaking in favour of Mpho Scott (“the First Respondent”) and Abdoolrawoof Ahmed (“the Second Respondent”) to vote their shares in African
Case summary written by Celeste Frank and checked by Jordan Dias BACKGROUND The Applicant and Respondent were married to each other and at the time of divorce (which was granted on 18 May 2020), there were two minor children born of the marriage between the parties.  Incorporated in the decree of divorce was a settlement
Case summary written by Snazo Tuswa and checked by Jordan Dias Background On 7 August 2019, M Du Plessis (“the Arbitrator”) handed down an award in arbitration proceedings (“Arbitration Award”), between the First, Second, Third Applicants, and the Second to the Eighth Respondents. Subsequent to such arbitration, the Arbitrator ordered compliance as to all participants
Case summary written by Tayla Bruce and checked by Jordan Dias Background:  During March 2013, Anabella Resources CC (“the Appellant”) and Genric Insurance Company Limited (“the Respondent”) entered into an insurance agreement (“the Agreement”), in terms whereof the Respondent undertook to indemnify the Appellant for loss or damage which it suffered in the event of
BACKGROUND BP Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd (“the Applicant”) and Intertrans Earl Oil SA (Pty) Ltd (“the First Respondent”) entered into various agreements in terms of which the First Respondent would have the right to exclusively purchase the Applicant’s products for resale and in return, the Applicant would supply the First Respondent with fuel and lease
BACKGROUND This is an appeal that arises from an incident at a public school where a young member of the public was injured on the school’s premises while attending a fashion show. Naqeeb Emeran (“Naqeeb”) attended a fashion show at Parktown High School for Girls, which was organized by the Representative Council of Learners (“RCL”).
By Pierre van der Merwe – Partner, Jordan Dias – Associate and Alisha Naik – Candidate Attorney Updated in line with the amended Directive issued by the Department of Labour as at 8 April 2020 1. Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has presented an unparalleled level of economic uncertainty in South Africa.  The spread of the
BACKGROUND The two trustees of the Ismail Habib Family Trust (“the Plaintiffs”), instituted action against the Defendant, the eThekwini Municipality, in respect of rates and penalties (“the debt”) that they had paid to the Defendant. The debt was owed to the Defendant by a previous owner of the immovable property, which the Plaintiffs had purchased.