Jordan Dias Candidate Attorney

Candidate Attorney


Jordan obtained her LLB degree at the University of the Witwatersrand. Her legal interests lie in commercial litigation and drafting, contractual disputes and labour related matters.

+27 (0) 11 448 9742
[email protected]

By Jordan Dias, Associate and Katleho Selepe, Candidate Attorney 09 June 2021 Introduction A Last Will and Testament is a legal document wherein an individual voluntarily sets out the dissolution of their estate, in the instance of their death. In terms of this Last Will and Testament, the Testator/testatrix elects those who stand to inherit
Article written by Katleho Selepe, Candidate Attorney, checked by Jordan Dias, Associate and released by Maike Gohl, Partner at Schindlers Attorneys 04 June 2021 Introduction A Last Will and Testament is a legal document wherein an individual voluntarily sets out the dissolution of their estate, in the instance of their death. In terms of this
Written by S’negugu Dlamini, Candidate Attorney and checked by Jordan Dias, Associate and released by Maike Gohl 17 May 2021 Introduction According to legislation, a child is entitled to reasonable maintenance which is to provide for his/her clothing, housing, dental and medical care, and education. Both parents have a legal duty to maintain their children
Written by Megan Brook, Candidate Attorney and checked by Jordan Dias, Associate and released by Sarah Thackwell 14 May 2021 BACKGROUND FACTS Background factsThe employer conducts a catering business that provides services to a number of customers, including Life St George’s Hospital. The employee was appointed as the employer’s project manager on-site at the said
Written by Alisha Naik, Associate Designate and checked by Jordan Dias, Associate 11 May 2021 BACKGROUND Whilst in the employ of the Premier and Director General of Mpumalanga (“the Defendants”), Ms Catherine Churchill (“the Plaintiff”) was assaulted by protestors during a labour protest at her place of employment. Alleging that she had developed permanent acute

Are Uber Drivers Employees?

An analysis of the recent ruling of Uber South Africa Technology Services (Pty) Ltd v National Union of Public Service and Allied Workers (NUPSAW) and Others (C449/17) [2018] ZALCCT 1 Written by Pierre van der Merwe, Partner and Jordan Dias, Candidate Attorney 26 January 2018 Introduction Uber B.V., a company incorporated in the Netherlands, conducts
Case summary written by Celeste Frank and checked by Jordan Dias. 23 April 2021 Background The First Applicant and the Deceased were married in a civil marriage in and during October 1998. One child was born of the marriage in January 2000, who is the Second Applicant in this matter. In July 2020, the Deceased
Case summary written by Snazo Tuswa and checked by Jordan Dias 1 April 2021 Background The Applicant concluded a contract of employment with the Second Respondent (the employer) to render services as a Vendor Administrator to the First Respondent for a limited period of 24 (Twenty-Four) months from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018.
Case summary written by Precious Mmako and checked by Jordan Dias Background facts This is an appeal to the High Court against an order (issued on 25 February 2020) evicting Mr Daniel Elyan Shevel (“the Appellant”) from a flat with effect from 31 March 2020. On 1 February 2013, the Appellant took occupation of the flat in
Case summary written by Celeste Frank and checked by Jordan Dias. 12 March 2021 BACKGROUND This appeal is against the judgment and order of the Labour Court handed down on 16 February 2018, in terms of which the review application brought by the Appellant, Cashbuild (Pty) Ltd (“Cashbuild”), was dismissed with costs. The Third Respondent,