Case summary written by Fatimah Ansary and checked by Robin Feinstein 30 May 2022 Introduction In this case, the Constitutional Court ensures that its jurisdictional limits and powers are respected and not exceeded when determining an application for leave to appeal. Background In 1910, the Nazareth Baptist Church (the “Church”) was founded by the Prophet
Case Summary Written by Fatimah Ansary, Candidate Attorney, checked and released by Elani Vogel, Candidate Attorney 20 April 2022 Introduction This case portrays a clear indication of how the Courts will not entertain frivolous and vexatious litigation. The integrity of the Judicial system and its officers will be safeguarded to the extent that justice and
Article written by Fatimah Ansary, checked by Wade O’Connor, Candidate Attorney, and released by Caitlin Wilde. Partner at Schindlers Attorneys. 18 February 2022 Background This matter relates to Union for Police Security and Corrections Organisation (the ‘‘applicant’’), a trade union which has members who are employees of South African Custodial Management (Pty) Limited (the ‘‘first
Article written by Fatimah Ansary, checked by Elani Vogel, Candidate Attorney and released by Caitlin Wilde, Partner at Schindlers Attorneys 27 January 2022 Background Mr Nesu Maroveke (“applicant”) was employed by Fermel (Pty) Limited (“third respondent”) as an artisan and mine technician. On 25 June 2009, the applicant was driving a company vehicle underground through