INTRODUCTION Many owners living in sectional title schemes fail to pay their levies on time or at all and management contracts.  Management contracts (which are contracts that deal with the obligations and duties of the managing agent as prescribed by the Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986  (“the STA”)and the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8
Introduction The purpose of this article is to provide the reader with a basic and general understanding of what it means to be declared an Undesirable Person in the Republic of South Africa, what measures can be taken to avoid being declared undesirable and what can be done if you are declared undesirable. What does
SUMMARY Richard Mvubu, the Applicant (“Employee”), was permanently employed by Pharmaceutical Contractor (Pty) Ltd, the Respondent (“Employer”). The Employee was employed to work the night shift in the manufacturing and granualtion unit of the Employer. Following an attempted armed robbery with a demand for ransom at the Employer’s premises, the Employer initiated retrenchment proceedings in
SUMMARY The factual matrix from which this judgment arises concerns a dismissal of employees due to poor work performance. The Employer Moneyline Financial Services (Pty) Ltd dismissed the Third Respondent and 7 others (“the Employees”) who were employed in capacity as sales representatives. Following such dismissals, the matter proceeded to arbitration proceedings where it was
SUMMARY The Applicant was employed as a production superintendent by the Respondent. The Applicant was retrenched, and brought an application to the Labour Court for condonation for the late filing of her statement of case.   On analysis of the prevailing jurisprudence, the Court had the discretion to condone late filling and non-compliance with court
SUMMARY The Applicant (the “Employee”) was employed as a Project Manager by the Second Respondent (the “Employer”). The Employee brought an application to the Labour Court on the basis of unfair retrenchment on both procedural and substantive grounds. Within 6 (Six) months of commencing employment, the Employer noticed that the Employee lacked a critical and
SUMMARY In or about 2006, the deceased, namely Nkhwile Alpheus Moropo acquired a property (“the Property”) in terms of the Housing Act No. 107 of 1997 (“Housing Act”). Prior to his death the deceased sold the property to the First Applicant (Initial Sale) and separately to First Respondent (Second Sale). The Initial sale was not