Article written by S’negugu Dlamini and Ayanda Motlou, Candidate Attorney’s, checked and released by Chantelle Gladwin-Wood, Partner at Schindlers Attorneys. 08 February 2022 Introduction This article is one in a series on expropriation, which looks at some of the fundamental legal issues pertaining to expropriation against the backdrop of the history of the process of
Article written by Ayanda Motlou, Candidate Attorney, checked and released by Chantelle Gladwin-Wood, Senior Partner at Schindlers Attorneys. Introduction We live in a digital age where almost all of our everyday activities are exercised through our devices. Technology has moved the needle forward in how we interact and go about our lives by widening the
Article written by Ayanda Motlou, Candidate Attorney, checked and released by Dave Loxton, Senior partner at Schindlers Attorneys What are crypto assets?Various terms have been used to refer to the phenomenon that is crypto; these include assets such as cryptocurrency, digital currency, cyber cash, virtual currency, e-money, amongst others. The general basis of crypto is
Article written by Ayanda Motlou, Candidate Attorney, checked by Paul-Michael Keichel, Partner at Schindlers Attorneys and relesed by Gary Boruchowitz, Partner at Schindlers Attorneys. 07 September 2021 What is a Common Law marriage? The technical definition of a common-law marriage is a long-term cohabitation between couples who are in a relationship that resembles a marriage
Article written by Ayanda Motlou, Candidate Attorney, checked and released by Mark Blanckenberg, Partner at Schindlers Attorneys 24 August 2021 Introduction The Seller is liable for several costs incurred during the sale of a property. Included below is a list of costs to prepare you for the sale of your home. The Agent’s CommissionShould you
Article written by Ayanda Motlou, Candidate Attorney, checked by Dingumuzi, Associate and released by Chantelle Gladwin-Wood, Partner at Schindlers Attorneys 25 June 2021 Introduction Uniform Court Rule 41A was brought into effect on the 9th of March 2020 and applies to all High Court matters in the country. This rule establishes mediation as a step
A case summary written by Ayanda Motlou and checked by Stefan Bezuidenhout 21 May 2021 Background Mmusi Maimane (“the third Respondent”), the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly at that time, lodged a complaint with the Public Protector (“the Applicant”), in which he sought that the Applicant investigates allegations that former President Jacob


Written by Lesai Seema, Candidate Attorney, and checked by Ayanda David Katjitae, Associate, and released by Chantelle Gladwin-Wood 19 May 2021 Introduction The South African (“SA”) Department of Home Affairs (“the Home Affairs”) is the body responsible for overseeing the determination and safeguarding of the identity and status of citizens and the regulation of immigration.
Case summary was written by Denis Pokani Mitole and checked by Ayanda D Katjitae. 23 April 2021 Background Shepherd Bushiri Investments (“the Applicant”) brought an urgent application to stay the writ of execution interdicting JM Bush Investment Group (Proprietary) Limited (“the Respondent”) from proceeding with the execution of the judgment against the Applicant in the
Case summary written by Wade Jacobs and checked by Ayanda Katjitae 20 April 2021 Background In this matter, the Applicants (“Rappa”) approached the court on an urgent basis for an interim order that the Respondent (“SARS”) make payment of VAT refunds which SARS had withheld from it, pending a review of SARS’s decision to withhold